Painting houses in Florida is very different than painting houses up North. In Florida you deal with rough masonry walls and very aggressive weather. First off your house has to be pressure washed with at least a 2,800psi pressure washer with a 30/70 mix of bleach to water to remove and kill mold,, dirt and loose paint. Next the house needs to be sealed. A major corner cutter for homeowners who don't know painting in this environment. So many homeowners, property management companies and yes cheap local painting companies that go up against my company continue to paint over dirty chalky walls. It's ignorant and upsetting that this goes on today. Masonry walls need to be sealed to ensure proper adhesion for your top coats of paint. Otherwise your just throwing money up into the wind. Be smart and don't look at price when it comes to choosing your painting contractor, do your research first. Don't be like Forest Gump's mother says, Stupid is, as stupid does. Â
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